The Soft Motorcycle 360 has been approved for use in official Euro NCAP testing. Alongside the LaunchPad 80, the Soft Motorcycle 360 can be used to perform all motorcycle-based ADAS test scenarios of Euro NCAP.

The Soft Motorcycle 360, developed and manufactured by our sister company DRI, has been accredited for use in conjunction with our LaunchPad 80 ADAS platform.
"We are delighted to receive Euro NCAP’s approval on the Soft Motorcycle 360,” said Dr Andrew Pick, AB Dynamics’ Director of Track Testing Systems. “Together with the LaunchPad 80, it forms the complete package for the efficient and cost-effective testing of motorcycle ADAS scenarios.”
The Soft Motorcycle 360 is a next-generation PTW test target with a multi-layered construction and innovative rotating wheels that offer radar sensors with a realistic Doppler effect. This ensures that vehicle sensor systems, such as cameras and LiDAR accurately recognise the target. The modular design, comprised of a lightweight, abrasion-resistant rubberised material allows for quick and easy assembly and reconstruction following impacts, minimising downtime and repair costs.
It has been specifically developed for new 2023 Euro NCAP motorcycle test scenarios, which include:
- Car to Motorcycle Rear Stationary (CMRs)
- Car to Motorcycle Rear braking (CMRb)
- Car to Motorcycle Front turn across path (CMFtap)
- Car to Motorcycle oncoming (CMoncoming)
- Car to Motorcycle overtaking (CMovertaking)
“DRI’s work with the world’s leading safety organisations and OEMs has been instrumental in the development of the Soft Motorcycle 360,” said Dr Andrew Pick. “DRI placed a particular focus on reducing damage to the test vehicle and improving the realism of the product, which helps to future-proof it against next-generation sensor systems.”
To ensure that they are reliable, accurate, and efficient for ADAS testing, the Soft Motorcycle 360 and LaunchPad 80 went through extensive testing to fulfil Euro NCAP's high standards. The products were required to meet specific technical specifications and in collaboration with an established Euro NCAP lab, we produced certification data together with back-to-back test data.
The Soft Motorcycle 360 has been approved in configuration with the LaunchPad 80, which became a Euro NCAP-approved PTW target platform in 2022. It is capable of safe and controlled testing at speeds up to 80 km/h and braking at over 0.6g, which is more than the Euro NCAP testing requirements. With exceptional stability and manoeuvrability, it enables testing of ADAS and autonomous vehicles with motorcyclist and moped targets in various complex scenarios.
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