Automotive Testing Expo Europe
We will be exhibiting our track and laboratory testing solutions at the upcoming Automotive Testing Expo Europe in Stuttgart, Germany from June 4th to 6th. AB Dynamics will showcase our technologies alongside sister company DRI at booth #8634.
Stuttgart, Germany

Introducing the new GTC Remote
The new GTC Remote will be making its European debut at the expo. This hand-held device enables test operators to control ADAS platforms. The GTC Remote is ideal for VRU ADAS tests where only one target is required and streamlines test setup enabling engineers to spend more track time testing. By consolidating typical static base station components into a compact unit, the GTC Remote significantly reduces setup time.
Featured test equipment
Alongside the GTC Remote, we will also be showcasing a comprehensive range of test equipment, including:
- The LaunchPad Spin - this ADAS platform brings new levels of manoeuvrability to VRU testing. Its turn‑on‑the‑spot, single wheel steering gives it the ability to rotate 360 degrees in an instant, so testing can closely replicate the rapid changes in direction that are common to real-world pedestrian behaviour.
- DRIs new Soft Pedestrian 360 Child - Like its adult counterpart, the Soft Pedestrian 360 Child’s robust design has been carefully considered for repeatable, uninterrupted testing.
- The SPMM Plus - we will be presenting the SPMM Plus, the industry’s most technically advanced K&C test machine, together with our valued laboratory test customer, TRE, who offer testing services.
Visitors are invited to explore our range of track test solutions at booth #8634. If you would like to arrange a meeting ahead of the event, please contact