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耐久性测试单调乏味,不断重复 ,但对于机器人而言则是完美的工作




  • 避免测试驾驶员受伤


  • 确保每次准确跟随正确路径

    耐久性测试驾驶员可以了解车道上最不舒服的特征的位置,并故意避免它们。使用AB Dynamics路径跟踪功能,您可以确保车辆精确遵循预期的路径。

  • 提高效率

    多辆车可以在机器人控制下同时操作,只需一两个主管, 全天候测试无需大批车手。

Li Dar Camera 3

Active on board object detection

The solution can be upgraded with an active obstacle detection system, utilising LiDAR and camera with sensor fusion. The system will stop the driverless vehicle if its path is blocked, bringing additional benefits:

  • Detection of untracked objects, such as wild animals or vehicle debris preventing the test vehicle from sustaining damage
  • Operation of driverless vehicles over large areas safely, beyond base station line of sight
  • Reduction in operator workload when monitoring multiple driverless vehicles, as each vehicle has increased on-board autonomy, increasing the number of vehicles a team can safely operate

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