We at AB Dynamics would like to extend our best wishes to all our colleagues, customers and friends across industry at this unsettling time.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a time of uncertainty on an unprecedented scale, so we thought you’d like to know that some things remain unchanged.
Having taken careful note of current government advice and conducted a thorough risk assessment, we are pleased to announce that AB Dynamics’ manufacturing, sales and support operations continue to be up and running. Wherever possible we are using technology to work remotely, and have introduced a range of enhanced measures to ensure the safety of staff working at our facilities.
The best way to contact our teams is via email and you can find all our contact email addresses below.
Track Test Products: TrackSupport@abdynamics.com
SPMM: SPMMsupport@abdynamics.com
aVDS: SimulatorSupport@abdynamics.com
NVH: PLATOsupport@abdynamics.com
Track Test Products and General: Sales@abdynamics.com
SPMM: SPMMenquiries@abdynamics.com
aVDS: SimulatorEnquiries@abdynamics.com
NVH: PLATO@abdynamics.com
Shipping Enquiries
We look forward to hearing from you.